Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Tips To Help College Budget

College students are going to have a lot of things to consider when they are budgeting. Most of them are going to need budgeting assistance because they have never been in charge of their own money. Fortunately, there are some easy tips to help the college students that are trying to budget.

Eat Cheap

It is important to look at any deals that are available when it comes to budgeting. It is important to take account of how much money is needed for morning, afternoon and evening meals. Students need to learn how to clip coupons and look for ways to prepare meals. Students that are going out to eat on a regular basis will find themselves struggling to stay within their budget. It is okay to eat out occasionally, but very few college students can sustain a budget if they don’t make any effort to learn to cook.

Entertainment That is Not Really Needed

It is a good idea to look at the options for free entertainment. It is hard to fathom, but there are quick a few apps that providing free movies and television shows. This means that there is no need to spend money on some of the premium apps that require a monthly subscription. The same thing goes with music. There is no need to buy streaming services when many of these services are free.

Free Entertainment On Campus

The great thing about college students is that there is a large amount of free entertainment on the campus. Students that pay activity fees are already paying for the home games during basketball and football season. This means that there are opportunities to be entertained on campus without spending excessive amounts of money.

Buy Used Text Books

The ability to buy used textbooks can also be a great money saver. There are great discounts for those that are interested in ordering textbooks online. Others may even rent textbooks that can be returned. This can help college students save lots of money.

Split The Cost

If there is anything that college students can do to split the cost they should do this. They should look for ways to share books, clothes, software and food expenses with roommates.

This article was originally published on MatthewLittlemore.net

How Good Leaders Deliver Bad News

Delivering bad news is never an easy thing for a leader to do or for their team members and colleagues to receive. However, it’s one crucial responsibility of a good leader. Thus, there isn’t any way to avoid these kinds of interactions when the issue needs to be addressed. Bad news may need to be delivered as it pertains to demotion, letting go of an employee, or addressing an employee’s behavior on the job.

Take Responsibility

Leaders should always take responsibility for the news they are about to deliver. Pointing fingers and blaming others will only make delivering the news less palatable for the receiver. Therefore, it’s important for good leaders to always take accountability for their mistakes and apologize for them. This demonstrates personal courage.

Be Considerate

There’s not really any correct way to receive bad news. This news may come as a complete shock to the employee. Good leaders also consider the implications of delivering the bad news and the impact that this bad news will have on the employee. Leaders should also offer reassurance and emotional support while their employees process the news.

Don’t Rush It

Leaders should schedule a time to have a discussion with their team, especially when delivering bad news. It wouldn’t be ethical to simply dump bad news onto a person and then leave the scene. Make time for employees to ask questions and also provide them with constructive feedback that they can use to make improvements.

Brace for Reaction

Depending on the magnitude of the bad news and the person, employees may react differently. Unexpected bad news can provoke very deep emotion. So, prepare for the worst and expect the best.


Employees still have the right to voice their frustrations or disdain to the leader. Not all disagreement constitutes an argument. Good leaders allow their employees and colleagues to ask questions. By listening to one’s concerns, leaders can accommodate better for their employees and find areas where they can improve in their leadership.

Speak Up

Some people have a hard time speaking up especially to tell a person something they may not want to hear. It’s vital that leaders do not tiptoe around the topic or dismiss the issue. This will only prolong the problem and create further dilemmas in the workplace.

This article was originally published on MatthewLittlemore.com

How to Become a More Inclusive Leader

  Inclusive leaders are open to people from all backgrounds and involve them in running the business to strengthen the organization. They ac...